Thursday 21 August 2014


Lemon is nature's priceless gift to mankind. This yellow fruit not only cures and guards the health and also fights and destroys the germs and bacteria as a warrior. Lemon's countless benefits are mentioned in age-old epics, religious scripts and even modern science and medical journals and books.

Lemon is called in different names in different languages. In Hindi kanji nimbi, Sanskrit nimbus, Marati limbu, Gujrati limbu, Bengali kagdi lebu, Telugu nimma pandu, Tamil elumichchai, Malayalam chru narinkai, Persian limune thrush, English lemon, Latin citrus medica acida.
Lemon, this thin-skinned yellow fruit needs no introduction. Lemon is available everywhere in India in all seasons. In green or ripe, lemon remains always sour, but unlike other sour things, lemon never gives any bad effects on our health. In other fruits, the taste become sweet whiles it ripe. In this process, they produce some health affecting acids such as acetic acid, lactic acid, boric acid, exilic acid etc. The wonderful quality of lemon is to kill and destroy germs. This enables the lemon a sure cure of many many diseases. Lemon juice is taken along with liquid drinks or solid eatables. It is also applied externally over the body. Lemon forms a part (base) of many ayurvedic, unani medicines.
Lemon not only cures general diseases and health problems but also effective in specific major disease, like malaria, viral fever, scurvy, mental disorder and sexually transmitted diseases. Lemon mixture is mostly taken in empty stomach. To get more juice out of lemon, it should be slightly heated over fire. Lemon juice is sour in taste, quenches thirst, help in digestion, increase perspiration, cleans kidneys, acts as diuretic, cure disease of elementary canals, purifies blood, imparts strength to the heart and controls bile, cough and wind.
Take 200 ml of lemon juice and 50 ml of mustard oil heat it in a bowl up to that only the oil remains. Cool filter and store it in a bottle. With the help of a dropper, put 2-2 drops in the ear. By this ear pain, swelling inside, itching etc. will be cured.
Mix the juice of a fresh ripe lemon with a glass of water. Rinse the mouth with this water every day and all the gums disorders like chillness, numbness will be cured.
Mix a spoon of onion juice and lemon juice in a glass of water and drink everyday morning and evening. If there is vomiting add a spoon of sugar or little camphor and drink it. This will cure the indigestion due to appetite failure.
Cut a ripe lemon into two pieces and take out the seeds. Fill the pieces with one pinch of each, powdered sugar, dry ginger, black pepper, black salt and heat it on a slow fire. Remove from fire when there is simmering on the lemon pieces. Cool and squeeze the lemon by mouth. There is a very good cure to stop vomiting and also removes vomiting sensation.
5. HICK UPS: -
Burn the skin of lemon and make some ash. Mix half a spoon of this ash with a little honey. Lick the mixture 1-1 hour regularly for some time and the eruption of hick ups will be completely stopped.
In a glass of water, mix two spoons of lemon juice and two spoons of sugar. Take this mixture everyday while going to sleep. Every day twice morning and night, at proper time go to the toilet (try to pass the stool) this will completely cure the prolonged constipation.
Mix equals measure of mustard oil and lemon juice and massage lightly all over the body. Then take bath in warm water. Every day wear only the cloths washed in hot water with soap. This will cure the itching of the skin. If there is constipation then take the above mentioned lemon-sugar mixture every day.
Mix the juice of a ripe, fresh lemon and four spoons of honey in a glass of water. Drink this every morning in empty stomach. This will stop the increase of fatness. Regular intake of this mixture for 5-6 months will decrease fatness.
Weakness and bleeding of the gums, bad smell from the mouth, weakness of teeth. All these are indications of pyoreahia. Mix half a spoon of lemon juice mustard oil and powdered salt each and keep this in the mouth for 15-20 minutes. And spit the saliva in slow intervals. After sometime spit every thing make a tooth powder by grinding some dry lemon skins. Clean the teeth with this powder and rinse the mouth. Use this everyday up to cure the disease. By this bad smell, gum bleeding, gum weakness, teeth weakness will be cured and the teeth will become strong.
Mix the juice of a lemon in a cup of warm water also keeps a cup of cold water. Dip the fingers and thumb in the warm lemon water for sometime. Take out the fingers and thumbs and do the same in the cold water and keep sometimes. Repeat this process everyday. This will enable the nails grow beautiful and attractive. Applying lemon juice on the nails regularly will also help to grow to nails.
Crush the leaves of a lemon and smell it for some time everyday. Add some lemon juice in a cup of tea without milk and drink it everyday. This will cure frequent headache.
12. PILES: -
Every day before going to toilet drink a glass of warm water mixed with lemon juice. Mix half a spoon of lemon juice and half a spoon of glycerin. Wet a cotton pad with this mixture. While going to sleep press the wet cotton pad against the anal outlet, cover loin with cloth and remove in the morning. This is an effective cure for piles.
Mix 2-3drops of lemon juice in a spoon of water and feed it to the child. This will stop the vomiting in children.
Mix one spoon of lemon juice, one spoon of ginger juice and two spoons of honey -drink this mixture. This will cure stomach pain.
Dropping of 2-2 drops lemon juice in the nostrils to stop the nose bleeding.
16. HAIR LOSS: -
Hair loss occurs because of some virus. Rub freshly cut lemon pieces on the affected parts of the head, regularly for 2-3 months. In majority of cases, hair began to grow by this process.
17. COLD: -
Heat a lemon in fires cut into two pieces and removes the seeds. Drops some ginger juice on the pieces and squeeze in mouth while it is hot. With in two or three days cold will be cured. Repeat this regularly up to be relieved from cold related problems.
Massage the body with sandal wood oils and takes some rest. Mix 2-3 lemon fruits juice in water. Rub this water all over the body and clean it. After a while take bath with clean water. This will cure dry and split skin. Lemon is easily available at all times, at all places & is with in the reach of poor & rich alike.
According to Hakeem Hashmi it is a gift of nature to mankind to keeping them healthy, smart and beautiful. Hakeem Hashmi the foremost unani physician and researcher have widely elaborated the many usefulness of lemon. Lemon has so many vital qualities, which not only protects but also increases the charm and health of human skin. People do not know much about lemon, so they do not use it as should be used. This fruit is a common one, cheap and with sour taste, so people do not give much attention to the usefulness of lemon. After reading this the readers will know the many usefulness of lemon. We hope and expect every one will begin to use lemon and enjoy the benefit of its many qualities.
Here Hakeem Hashmi gives three household tips to use lemon to make your skin glow in beauty.
FOR GLOWING SKIN: - (to increase the charm)
Squeeze the juice of a lemon into a bowl of curd and mix it well. Before bathing, apply this to hair roots, face, neck and hands. Leave it for 10-15 minutes to dry. Wash it before bathing. This can apply all over the body also. Do not apply soap while bathing. By this, hair will be thick, lengthy, black and soft. Face will be bright, beautiful and charming and the skin will glow, healthy and attractive.
Mix lemon juice, rose water and glycerin each one spoon, mix well and apply this mixture on the face and leave it to dry. Wash it with warm water. By this, the colour of the face will glow, patches will disappear and brightness, beauty will increase.
Heat a little wax in a small bowl. When it melts mix a spoon of glycerin and the juice of the lemon. Apply this mixture to the hands and palms, legs and heels thoroughly. Leave it to dry. After a while wash it with warm water. If use this in winter then there will be no cracks on the heels and palms and will remain soft and attractive. While using this, wear socks while going out. In indoors use chappals or slippers, never be in barefoot, so as your feet will not be affected by dust and dirt.

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